Home & Garden, Decor, Other, Fashion, Clothing, Tees, Women’s, Unisex, Accessories, Handbags, Office, Paper & Stationery, Stationary, Other, Miscellaneous, Arts & Crafts
Women Owned, Ships Internationally
I’m an illustrator, author, and creative mama from Minnesota. I love to dream big and I spend my days crafting whimsical illustrations and uplifting designs. Since childhood, I’ve loved creating art, but I actually started with a career in marketing. I remember sitting down one day thinking of how I had a deep desire to do work that mattered to me. God showed up and in a beautiful way merged my love of encouraging, creating and storytelling with my passion for making art. I worked in the nap-time hours building a small Etsy shop and beginning to share my gift of art with others. Then, 8 months pregnant with a big dream and a spoonful of faith, I opened my art studio full time. wooo…It was one of the biggest leaps of faith that led me into a more fulfilling life, business and relationship with my Creator. I am known for my warm, joyful drawings of women, mothers, my floral work and my hand lettered inspirational quotes. My work is inspired by growing up surrounded by women (4 sisters!) and finding that the beauty of our differences always made us stronger. I also pull inspiration from the diversity of people in our world, honest motherhood, and my walk of faith.