Health & Beauty, Bath & Body, Skincare, Beardcare, Wellness, Personal Fragrance, Other, Hair & Headwear, Haircare, Shampoo, Children
Free Shipping, Women Owned, Handmade, Natural, Vegan
How Bariki Got Started...
Bariki Body Care started in 2007 in my tiny little kitchen in Seattle, WA. My oldest daughter, son & I have eczema and wanted to create products that were natural/organic/paraben free/sulfate free and was safe to use on our skin. I started researching a lot of different ingredients and the main one I use in all of our products is Shea Butter. Shea Butter is nourishing and is a good moisturizer all skin types whether you have oily or dry skin. All Bariki Body Care products are made with you in mind, cruelty free & vegan friendly. We hope to offer something that your skin can use.
My mission is to get people to love the skin they're in with out the harsh chemicals from anywhere from eczema to dry skin.