Health & Beauty, Bath & Body, Skincare, Beardcare, Cosmetic, Makeup, Lip, Eye Care, Other, Hair & Headwear, Accessories, Fashion, Clothing, Tees, Unisex, Other, Accessories, Jewelry, Handbags, other, Miscellaneous
Women Owned, Handmade
Ever since I was little I did arts and crafts with my aunt. It has always been a part of my life. A few years ago, I was watching TV with my husband and noticed beaded jewelry all over the place. I told him I could make those. The next day at work, I made my first bracelet and sold it 5 minutes later. People started lining up for my designs and I started making custom-designed beadwork as a side business. In 2019, I wanted to expand into personalized items like hair accessories and pouches so my husband and I invested in a Cricut®. I immediately got to work and received even more orders. I enjoy learning new things and I told my husband I wanted to add embroidery to further customize my designs. He did the research and surprised me with my sewing/embroidery machine. I was a little afraid to even take it out the box because I had never used a sewing machine before. Two days before Christmas in 2019, I made a giant leap and quit my job so that I could focus on my design business full time. Thankfully, my mother-in-law helped me learn the sewing machine over the winter. When the corona virus hit, I was able to create customized masks for people. I am happy to be able to contribute my work during this stressful time, bringing joy to those who want to have a one-of-a-kind mask to wear out in public. I'm excited to continue learning new skills, expanding and evolving my creations. Blinging is all done by hand... one stone at a time, and that is something that will never change.