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Planning to Craft: Junk Journal and Craft Supplies. Thank you for visiting my shop. Nothing brings me greater joy than playing with my craft supplies to make something new. Crafting is so versatile that even after over 30 years of doing it, I still learn something new on a regular basis. My love for paper started when I was very young. I would keep journals on various subjects and would often fill them up quickly. When I was in Middle School, I decided that I could make my own journals. My handmade journals are my passion projects. I take my time to make them look and feel like something I want to purchase myself. It is often hard to let them go but I always ship on time! I am always willing to communicate, so please feel free to reach out with any questions, suggestions or requests. Over the years, I have fallen in love all over again with everything planning and journal related and many other crafts. My main passion is creating beautiful keepsake journals of many types and creating handcrafted tea blends and bath soaks I visit thrift stores often to collect beautiful vintage books and images that would be excellent for journal making, I scour the world for unique supplies to include in my junk journal kits and I have found some beautiful items that I cannot wait to share with you.