Health & Beauty, Bath & Body, Skincare, Children, Office, Paper & Stationery, Greeting Cards, Stationary, Notebooks, Sports & Outdoors, Food & Beverage, Coffee & Tea, Desserts, Savory, Wedding, Holidays, Arts & Crafts
Free Shipping, Women Owned, Made in America
Toya’s Custom Baskets is a boutique gift basket business based in the Baltimore, Maryland area. The seeds of Toya’s Custom Baskets were planted when I got married and had my son. Each of his childhood celebrations encourage my creativity to flourish. I enjoyed making the centerpieces for his christening, the coloring books for his Carousel themed birthday party, the invitations and thank you cards for all his special occasions. The handmade goody bags for my son’s parties turned into handmade custom gift baskets for adults and children alike. In 2016, when demand for my custom gift baskets grew I started Toya’s Custom Baskets, LLC. Custom gift baskets are my specialty. If you don’t see what you want on my website, no problem. Contact me and I will create you a truly custom gift basket based on your interest, theme, and special occasion. Toya’s Custom Gift Baskets are great for the holidays, bridal showers, birthdays, baby showers, fundraisers, and so much more. At you can create a custom gift basket for yourself or someone special today.