Hair & Headwear, Accessories, Home & Garden, Decor, Other, Fashion, Accessories, Handbags, Scarves, other, Office, Paper & Stationery, Greeting Cards, Stationary, Notebooks, Travel, Miscellaneous
Women Owned
Hi and welcome to Colourshot, which uses lovely, colourful African fabric in everyday contemporary ways. Everything is handmade in the UK by myself, Tanya. Colourshot started as a way to indulge my love of making clothes and buying fabric. By running a business, I could enjoy guilt free fabric shopping, and let loose on my creative side. Along the way, I added a jewellery business where I used purchased beads to design jewellery. But the real breakthrough came when I decided to make cards using African fabric. (Which is why my Instagram is called Colourshotcards!) Having started out making cards, I then added jewellery, this time completely handmade, using fabric and wood. Then mugs and coasters, which were and still are a major hit. Ideas kept on flowing (thank you God), and over the past 4 years, Colourshot in its current form has steadily developed into a lovely little card and gift shop, providing contemporary and useful gifts for all those who love a touch of African fabric. The clothes and generic jewellery business have had to be retired, to allow me to maintain my focus on cards and gifts